homo faber
It is so surreal meeting a dear friend that has been abroad for half a year and who has come back home for the short period of holidays. Chatting and smiling.
No, that awful amount of time (one year to be exact, taking in consideration half a year before when I was away) hasn't been in between. And only then I realised how much I had missed her.
..So busy - the people. There's a long list of contacts on msn, skype, yahoo etc. but how often do we dare to start a conversation with them, overcoming the awkward and superficial "how are you phase" longing for a long talk from the bottom of your heart and a listen to the tone of their voice in your headphones or cellphone.
Yup, you are there - online, terribly missed and having no clue about it. My fault.
Bitīt ar' ārā, kā šodien lūza sirds klausoties šaušalīgo tulkojumu LNT svētku programmā iekļautajā H.Potera pilnmetrāžas otrajā attēlojumā. "Dižās pērles" no tulkotājas Irēnas-kā-viņu-tur veikuma skatīt šeit. Finanšu līdzekļi grāmatas latviskotās versijas papētīšanai un izveidotās leksikas zmantošanai godātajam telekanālam acīmredzami pietrūka. Nezinu, smieties vai raudāt, bet klajas necieņas izrādīšana pret filmas skatītājiem vēl joprojām nepamet.
No, that awful amount of time (one year to be exact, taking in consideration half a year before when I was away) hasn't been in between. And only then I realised how much I had missed her.
..So busy - the people. There's a long list of contacts on msn, skype, yahoo etc. but how often do we dare to start a conversation with them, overcoming the awkward and superficial "how are you phase" longing for a long talk from the bottom of your heart and a listen to the tone of their voice in your headphones or cellphone.
Yup, you are there - online, terribly missed and having no clue about it. My fault.
Bitīt ar' ārā, kā šodien lūza sirds klausoties šaušalīgo tulkojumu LNT svētku programmā iekļautajā H.Potera pilnmetrāžas otrajā attēlojumā. "Dižās pērles" no tulkotājas Irēnas-kā-viņu-tur veikuma skatīt šeit. Finanšu līdzekļi grāmatas latviskotās versijas papētīšanai un izveidotās leksikas zmantošanai godātajam telekanālam acīmredzami pietrūka. Nezinu, smieties vai raudāt, bet klajas necieņas izrādīšana pret filmas skatītājiem vēl joprojām nepamet.
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