How come that clouds in autumn and spring time look so fierce, dark and gloomy in the sense of.. well, being different from other seasons? Yup, I confess I miss summer so bad it almost hurts. Snow and cold came from one day to the other overriding the unpleasent greyness period but making it completely unacceptable for my consciousness to realise that what I see truly IS THERE.
Another thing.. decision making. So (generally speaking) a day or more is spent on comming to a point where you're sure to know what would be right for you to do, but, damnit, how much of that was based on common sense,or desire, will or pure insanity? Inner feeling, can it be trusted if you realise it had deceived you...

Well, nevermind. It's full moon again, nightmares (pretty exciting ones, in fact, my) are creeping after the steps of sleep in my mind, and another week is over. Enough reasons to feel, hm, strange.
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