Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lightning without thunder and meat ball soup

I bet there is a movie with this plot where the main character suddenly realises that his life is just a part of a fiction movie... today felt exactly like that.. With bits of daily events slowly drifting by like pieces of a negative film.

And then I blame the bloody hormones for regular and sudden mood changes!

Today brought a novelty in my lecture schedule in the form of lectures about advertisements, we had to write an essay called "I and advertisements", pfff! Although I truly hate writing essays at times this was a perfect opportunity to let out all my annoyance and sorrow about TV commercials that have become even worse with the appearance of political ones for elections.

English classes went by as fast as always. And again, when you expect it the least, suddenly you are signed up for helping your University as an interpreter for foreign guests (or who knows what else) on its 10-year anniversary events. No idea what I have gotten myself into again.. anyhow, sounds like a lot of fun :)

All these "so exciting" plot-turns, lack of fresh air, signs of certain thunderstorm closeness (in September!!!!), cosy chatting with friends and tasting of their masterpiece-like meat ball soup (mmm, yummy!!!), walking back home from dorms in a quite lack of light and beautiful lightning at the edge of the skyline brought me home in a light-hearted mood. I found great delight in long forgotten audiobook files of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita in Russian on my laptop, Emīla Dārziņa Melanholiskais valsis, Prāta vētras Neatgrieššanās and Imanta Kalniņa classical songs...

I can't make short posts, my horror!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I like you posts; they're well constructed, interesting and with style :)

Speaking of movieplots, you instantly reminded me of Jim Carey in "Truman show". Good film.

Starp citu, var pajautāt, kur tu esi mācījusies angliešu mēli? Laba tāda...

P.S Paldies par linkback.

5:43 pm  
Blogger Anita said...

Thank you very much :)
But I must say that I'm a huge admirer of your blog contents as well!

And I'm ashamed to admit that haven't still seen the "Truman show"..

Attiecībā uz angļu mēli, paveicās ar skolotāju,kas labus pamatus ielika un tad vēl nesen tik atgriezos no pusgada Erasmus apmaiņas studijām Dānijā.

PS. Drīzāk paldies Tev! :))

6:43 pm  

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