Traffic Report
I shall spare you several inches' long tractate about generally pretty boring stuff what only I find interesting, plus I'm fiting hard not to start writing in Latvian as my English vocabulary seems to get rather dry and afterall, to put your heart on the pavement is more difficult than I once thought.
Just few notes for a memory backup - a truly wonderful week; bright smile under a green umbrela running through a real cloudburst; priceless time spent together with my beloved friends; birthday party, whooray!; head full of thoughts and happy memories. If it's possible then my heart has grown twice as big. Life sometimes can be so wonderful.
And last but not least, something I was busy with during an exciting, exciting lecture about auditing.

Just few notes for a memory backup - a truly wonderful week; bright smile under a green umbrela running through a real cloudburst; priceless time spent together with my beloved friends; birthday party, whooray!; head full of thoughts and happy memories. If it's possible then my heart has grown twice as big. Life sometimes can be so wonderful.
And last but not least, something I was busy with during an exciting, exciting lecture about auditing.

wauw - impressive drawings, my friend! but i have to correct you: it is 'gumicsizma':p Puszi;)
Hehe :) I knew I was having trouble even with my Latvian :D
Zīmēt lekcijās gan ir jestra padarīšana! Tev vismaz sanāk.
Un jā, dažreiz gribas rakstīt latviski, bet moš vajag tā arī darīt, ko ;)
Vispār lekcijas ir ideāla vieta, kur radoši (gandrīz) nepiespiesti izpausties ;)
Mja, dzimtajai valodai piemīt neizsakāma burvība, iespējams, pagrēkošu ar kādu reizi..
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