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Do what you likeFrom A Sea Chanty Of Sorts by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
you dont have to be nice
just pour yourself a cup of coffee
leave anytime you dont have to be right
you've gotta live the best you know how
and if you love well that should be enough
instead it turns your joy into sorrow
and I cant breath with the dust of retreat
I'm choking on the fumes of my wayward back...
Weirdly enough (in the best way imaginable), today I found out that I'm a music saviour *loud laugh*, thank you André :)))
I try my best to repay my debt to the people who first showed me what is good music (shhh! sure, you don't argue about matter of taste, but leave me the brief moment of vanity) by continuing their job.
For anyone who's interested, here's a tip of my late discovery - Margot & the Nuclear So and So's. Their songs seemed quite simple at first but focusing on lyrics they reveal a much darker side, can't stop listening to be it Dress Me Like A Clown, Skeleton Key or MySpace download Real Naked Girls.
And I guess you noticed that I'm back from my trip...anyway, that's it with English now!

Biju nepamatoti aizmirsusi, cik skaista ir Kurzeme.. un, kamēr vēroju miglas vālus rītausmas un saulrieta sarkanajā gaismā, tās daiļums izlauza ceļu uz manu ierūsējošo atmiņu. Šī nedēļas nogale bija vairāk kā burvīga..
..tāpēc droši vien tagad ir tik grūti - aizraujošo izraušanās no ikdienas vienmuļības sajūtu un neizsakāmu prieku satikt tuvu draugu šodien nomainīja sen nebijusi smeldze, atgriežoties vecajos rāmjos, pusi dienas čumčinot autobusu sēdekļos, cerībā, ka vismaz mēģinājumos pagulēt viss pārējais tiks aizmirsts.
Tracinoša emocionalitāte! Un kaut niecīga imunitāte pret rudens depresīvo nosakņojumu vismaz pagaidām? pffff! Ar atgriešanos depresij!
Nu kuš kuš, kāda vēl depresija :)
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