Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's freezingly cold here and May is just one footstep away.
I've been torturing my eyes at the laptop writing my bachelor for the last couple of weeks, at least the first signs of panic have gone for a while and the process is slowly but unstoppably rolling..

..but somehow it feels like something is missing..

ps. please spend a moment borrowing your ears to this wonderful 7 minutes of music!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Uzmācīgas domas un idejas riņķo pa galvu, čuķ' ne sasniedzot īstu apsēstības līmeni.
Tu, es, viņš, viņa - viss vienā katlā, vienā lidošanas trajektorijā, no viena pie otra un otrādi, un tā joprojām.

Vispār ar galvu kas nav kārtībā, pilnīgi kā vate būtu attiecīgās vietās iebāzta - varēšana ir, bet iekšējais sastrēgums nelaiž neko ne pa mata tiesu ārā. Un tik bezspēcīgi un tizli par savu sašļukumu ilgi nebiju jutusies.

Pavasaris, ziniet!
Tīrais taureņu un zirnekļu mītings vēderā.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another name-day has gone and, must say, it was one of the sort that would proudly get the tag of "yay, I smile".. and that my friends happen rarely.

A bunch of roses, kisses and hugs, and greetings from colleagues, SMS'es from long-time no-see friends, in between a lot of work, uplifiting phone calls, self-made buscuit-cake, huh, it really was a nice day.

In other news - still struggling with the start of writing my bachelor; AND we have a new pet in our family - a very cute little puppy :)