Saturday, September 30, 2006

Brief recap

My second attempt at being an interpreter was quite fun. I had to translate for an elderly American guy that had given some lectures at my university several years ago and knew a bit of Latvian. The event itself was a student research papers conference about different themes starting from tourism till IT, and apart from IT everything else went ok.

At the evening there was the culmination point of the 10-year anniversary celebration at my school - party/ball-something! With everyone looking so smart in dresses and suits, having fun dancing or getting henna-tattoos done. I'll post some more pics some days later when I manage to collect most of them from my coursemates, till then enjoy these!

Stayed at the dorms overnight, was violently woken up by some guys screaming somewhere outside. No food for breakfast, passionate discussions what to do in this case. Decision to order pizza what in turn could be done only after 12 o'clock (jeez, what a shitty service!). Anyway, the rest of the day was spent in a slightly grumpy mood but still fun.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

atvaino, lūdzu / apologise

It's official!!

At least once in a while I somehow manage to turn into a complete idiot saying or doing things I afterwards truly regret, just like yesterday...and it's even more irritating because I act like that only with people I really, really care about.

I am aware that it comes from the equally silly fear of being rejected. It took 21 years to realise that, so will it take another 20 years to stop behaving childlishly and grow up?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

. . .

Izmisīgi meklēju...

kā palēnināt laika neprātīgo joņošanu..

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ongoing emotional hangover

It seems like we have a new and regular resident - the mist is here to stay for long! It's there at the wakening time covering all roofs in a fluffy, moist cloud, adding afro-effect to your new made hairstyle, it's there after the sun has set and left us with few hardly generous hours of its delight. And then, I fear, it steals a part of peoples' souls catering from energy and happiness reserves. One more day and we'll have the George Orwell's 1984-alike gloomy and dull environment brought in reality.

Another sign that I'm turning into a grim, grim creature is the return of good ol' Brit, "dark knight" Tom McRae to my playlist. At least I finally found his CD in the only useful music shop in Rīga for a reduced price, whooray!

And to continue this oh-so-logical coherence of possible reasons why I am a really unbearable person these days that bothers people that apparently don't want to be bothered, here's another thing. It's my last year of Bachelor and I have not even a slight clue what I want to study further, not to mention any occupation overall. *sigh*

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mī iz bek

Do what you like
you dont have to be nice
just pour yourself a cup of coffee
leave anytime you dont have to be right
you've gotta live the best you know how

and if you love well that should be enough
instead it turns your joy into sorrow
and I cant breath with the dust of retreat
I'm choking on the fumes of my wayward back...
From A Sea Chanty Of Sorts by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

Weirdly enough (in the best way imaginable), today I found out that I'm a music saviour *loud laugh*, thank you André :)))
I try my best to repay my debt to the people who first showed me what is good music (shhh! sure, you don't argue about matter of taste, but leave me the brief moment of vanity) by continuing their job.

For anyone who's interested, here's a tip of my late discovery - Margot & the Nuclear So and So's. Their songs seemed quite simple at first but focusing on lyrics they reveal a much darker side, can't stop listening to be it Dress Me Like A Clown, Skeleton Key or MySpace download Real Naked Girls.
And I guess you noticed that I'm back from my trip...anyway, that's it with English now!

Biju nepamatoti aizmirsusi, cik skaista ir Kurzeme.. un, kamēr vēroju miglas vālus rītausmas un saulrieta sarkanajā gaismā, tās daiļums izlauza ceļu uz manu ierūsējošo atmiņu. Šī nedēļas nogale bija vairāk kā burvīga..

..tāpēc droši vien tagad ir tik grūti - aizraujošo izraušanās no ikdienas vienmuļības sajūtu un neizsakāmu prieku satikt tuvu draugu šodien nomainīja sen nebijusi smeldze, atgriežoties vecajos rāmjos, pusi dienas čumčinot autobusu sēdekļos, cerībā, ka vismaz mēģinājumos pagulēt viss pārējais tiks aizmirsts.

Tracinoša emocionalitāte! Un kaut niecīga imunitāte pret rudens depresīvo nosakņojumu vismaz pagaidām? pffff! Ar atgriešanos depresij!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Empty feeling

Huh, Thursdays are so tiring being so close yet so far away from the weekend. And then the non-ventilation system in lecture-rooms in my Uni are definitely built for ruining brain cells, not for stimulating their activity and making you damn apathetic for the rest of the day. Yup, I'm moaning big time (bloody grumpy mood)!

I just feel so empty..

Anyway, the main reason for this post was to make you aware of possible lack of posts next days as I'm heading to the Western part of Latvia tomorrow after lectures to pay a visit to my beloved friend Dārta :)

Ps. Couldn't keep myself off from posting this lovely picture in the name of memories of my Danish dorm apartment.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lightning without thunder and meat ball soup

I bet there is a movie with this plot where the main character suddenly realises that his life is just a part of a fiction movie... today felt exactly like that.. With bits of daily events slowly drifting by like pieces of a negative film.

And then I blame the bloody hormones for regular and sudden mood changes!

Today brought a novelty in my lecture schedule in the form of lectures about advertisements, we had to write an essay called "I and advertisements", pfff! Although I truly hate writing essays at times this was a perfect opportunity to let out all my annoyance and sorrow about TV commercials that have become even worse with the appearance of political ones for elections.

English classes went by as fast as always. And again, when you expect it the least, suddenly you are signed up for helping your University as an interpreter for foreign guests (or who knows what else) on its 10-year anniversary events. No idea what I have gotten myself into again.. anyhow, sounds like a lot of fun :)

All these "so exciting" plot-turns, lack of fresh air, signs of certain thunderstorm closeness (in September!!!!), cosy chatting with friends and tasting of their masterpiece-like meat ball soup (mmm, yummy!!!), walking back home from dorms in a quite lack of light and beautiful lightning at the edge of the skyline brought me home in a light-hearted mood. I found great delight in long forgotten audiobook files of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita in Russian on my laptop, Emīla Dārziņa Melanholiskais valsis, Prāta vētras Neatgrieššanās and Imanta Kalniņa classical songs...

I can't make short posts, my horror!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

If days had legs..

..they'd be running the 100 metres sprint distance.

Sunday knocked at the window pane quite early for a weekend this morning when I forced my light green socks to lead me to the living room in fear of missing one of my favourite comedy shows (can't help it - I love Brittish humour).

Most of the week was spent in an overly stressed mood due to Uni issues and time was/is flying at the speed of light again (though it might be reasonable to suppose that this phenomenon is a product of too many "the end of the world is close" American movies in a short period of time, bloody TV!).

In between, managed to sort out over 100 photos from my Aarhus picture folder full of cherished memories and took them for developing. Now there's a huge pile of photos waiting to be integrated in my-to-become-room's interrior ;)

Then...on Saturday joined my family for shopping in our capital city. Jeez, malls full of crap you wouldn't possibly want to buy and the only thing you get at the end is aching feet.. or to my luck another great book!

And before I forget - slogan for the next half year: Make friends with your cup of tea :))

(Yup, another lecture of auditing!)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Traffic Report

I shall spare you several inches' long tractate about generally pretty boring stuff what only I find interesting, plus I'm fiting hard not to start writing in Latvian as my English vocabulary seems to get rather dry and afterall, to put your heart on the pavement is more difficult than I once thought.

Just few notes for a memory backup - a truly wonderful week; bright smile under a green umbrela running through a real cloudburst; priceless time spent together with my beloved friends; birthday party, whooray!; head full of thoughts and happy memories. If it's possible then my heart has grown twice as big. Life sometimes can be so wonderful.

And last but not least, something I was busy with during an exciting, exciting lecture about auditing.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's all about the attitude

September always brings a considerable portion of gloominess and first signs of how easily you can get on the way to feel depressed (oh, yes, I do find any excuses for me being like that). Hours of natural light get less and less and if you hardly can keep yourself off from singing raindrops keep falling on my head or why does it always raaaaain on me, wondering how many puddles you'll have to conquer to get to school, then you're definitely enjoying fall à la Latvian style!

But, hang on, something isn't really matching...right! Till then we might get lucky and have some days worth to remember, when the weather gods are fooling around and throwing literally eye-blinding colours in your eye (no, it's not the mascara making you cry!).

Afterall, we're fortunate enough to experience all 4 seasoons in full motion. And what does a cup of hot/warm, with milk/or without, herbal/or not tea, cold fingers & feet, longing for candle light remind you of? Exactly! - cosy evening-together-beings and cuddling with your friends (and not only).. :)

I'm falling out of my usual low-spirited self - it feels like smiling, jumping around and dancing (not that anyone should ever see that, heh) without no reason. The bloody full moon is really creepy and today even with a partial lunar eclipse. No fighting in any sort today, please!

So, to avoid collisions and keep spirits high, some suggestions:
  • go out for a walk. I did! - yesterday. Payed my old highschool building and the unforgettable green spot around it a visit:
  • play hide and seek with a hopping, sniffing, long-ear rabbit (dogs, cats and other adorable animal creatures will do!)
  • listen to rise & shine like-ish music!
  • read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho;
  • do something incredibly stupid for what you wouldn't have the courage any other time;
  • add more things to the list and don't forget to carry them out!
Have a nice day!
Say yes to gumboots with silly flowers and butterflies!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fascinating views

So, yesterday had something more in it than a usual thank-god-it's-friday-again day.

Little and not so little kiddies, like ducks flying away to places where it's warmer, left their playgrounds, put on white shirts, black skirts and suits, had flowers in their hands and headed to the place where they will spend most of their time during the next 10 or so months.
Yup, it was the first school day - a lot of chatting, new faces, boring speeches, less and less will to learn with each year, heh.

As for me, we had a rather boring first September event at my uni comparing with the previous year. But I met most of my course mates that I had not seen for what felt like a year. We gathered in a little bunch and to keep tradition alive had some pizza :)

Fascinating views? tender falls light on the stairs.

..a piece of history in the huge birdless, bright blue sky.

..and then insomnia.
Still frantically looking for inner peace. Any help? Nah, forget it.